
Lud Anuak na brzegach rzeki Baro w regionie Gambela

Anuaknilotycka grupa etniczna zamieszkująca głównie wzdłuż rzek południowo-wschodniego Sudanu Południowego, jak również Etiopii, zwłaszcza w regionie Gambela. Liczą około 300–350 tys. osób.

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REF new (questionmark).svg
Autor: Sławobóg, Licencja: LGPL
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Baro river Gambela.jpg
Autor: T U R K A I R O, Licencja: CC BY 2.0

Baro River in Gambella region, Ethiopia.

Original description by uploader: "taking pictures of bridges is strictly forbidden" [][?]

Baro River flows to Sudan (cf. this picture). It is also the heart of the Gambella region and Gambella city. People use to go to the river to wash, refresh, chat or just take some time. People belong to many different groups: indigenous Nuer, Anuak, Majangir... or settled Highlanders (for the Abyssinian highlands regardless Amhara, Tigray or Oromo) or Sudanese refugees. The situation of demographic, ethnic and cultural diversity leads to situations of complexity. Inducing tensions, conflicts or violences. At least it is what is written in the books... So far, it looks like a paradise.