Urania’s Mirror

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Urania’s Mirror, znany również jako Lustro Uranii lub Widok Niebios – zestaw pudełkowy zawierający serię 32 kart przedstawiających mapę nieba i poszczególne gwiazdozbiory. Opublikowany po raz pierwszy w listopadzie 1824 roku[1][2]. Ilustracje umieszczone na kartach oparto na atlasie nieba autorstwa Alexandra Jamiesona[1], same karty zostały wygrawerowane przez Sidneya Halla. Przez 170 lat nie było jednak wiadomo przez kogo zostały zaprojektowane; pierwotnie uważano, że autorką ich projektu jest pewna „dama”, w późniejszym czasie brytyjski badacz Peter Hingley zasugerował, że projektantem kart mógł być Richard Rouse Bloxam[3]. Przednia strona pudełka przedstawia Uranię, muzę astronomii. Peter Hingley uważał te karty za jedne z najbardziej atrakcyjnych kart spośród wielu wyprodukowanych na początku XIX wieku[3].


Lustro Uranii przedstawia 79 gwiazdozbiorów na 32 kartach. Niektóre z przedstawionych gwiazdozbiorów są już uważane za historyczne, podobnie jak niektóre z podgwiazdozbiorów, takie jak Caput Medusæ (głowa Meduzy, noszona przez Perseusza)[1]. Początkowo Lustro Uranii było reklamowane jako zawierające „wszystkie konstelacje widoczne w Imperium Brytyjskim[2][3], ale w rzeczywistości pomijało niektóre południowe konstelacje. Hingley nazwał Lustro Uranii „jednym z najbardziej czarujących i atrakcyjnych wizualnie materiałów pomocniczych do samokształcenia astronomicznego, które powstały na początku XIX wieku”[3].



  1. a b c Urania’s Mirror c.1825, www.ianridpath.com [dostęp 2021-02-03].
  2. a b Monthly Critical Gazette, 1824, s. 578 [dostęp 2021-02-03] (ang.).
  3. a b c d P.D. Hingley, Urania's Mirror - a 170-year old mystery solved?, „Journal of the British Astronomical Association”, 104, 1 października 1994, s. 238–240, ISSN 0007-0297 [dostęp 2021-02-03].

Media użyte na tej stronie

Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Ursa Major.jpg

"Ursa Major", plate 9 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officina Sculptoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica.jpg

"Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officina Sculptoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica", plate 28 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart showing Perseus holding bloody sword and the severed head of Medusa forming the constellation. 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.

Note: This card was printed slightly off-centre to include more stars in Eridanus, hence the slightly unbalanced crop.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Taurus.jpg

"Taurus", plate 17 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Sagittarius and Corona Australis, Microscopium, and Telescopium.jpg
"Sagittarius and Corona Australis. Microscopium, and Telescopium.", plate 24 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Cepheus.jpg

"Cepheus", plate 4 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Pegasus and Equuleus (best currently available version - 2014).jpg
"Pegasus and Equuleus", plate 15 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Draco and Ursa Minor.jpg

"Draco and Ursa Minor", plate 1 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Taurus Poniatowski, Serpentarius, Scutum Sobiesky, and Serpens.jpg

Taurus Poniatowski, Serpentarius, Scutum Sobiesky, and Serpens, plate 12 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart. 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Leo Major and Leo Minor.jpg

"Leo Major and Leo Minor", plate 20 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Libra.jpg

"Libra", plate 22 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Aries and Musca Borealis.jpg

"Aries and Musca Borealis", plate 16 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Urania's Mirror Box (Front).jpg
Urania’s Mirror, (London 1825), a boxed set of 32 cards; with Jehoshaphat Aspin, A Familiar Treatise on Astronomy (London 1825), 2d ed.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Hercules and Corona Borealis.jpg

"Hercules and Corona Borealis", plate 11 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Camelopardalis, Tarandus and Custos Messium.jpg

"Camelopardalis, Tarandus and Custos Messium", plate 2 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Delphinus, Sagitta, Aquila, and Antinous.jpg
"Delphinus, Sagitta, Aquila, and Antinous", plate 13 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Cancer.jpg

"Cancer", plate 19 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Orion (best currently available version - 2014).jpg

"Orion", plate 29 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Scorpio.jpg

"Scorpio", plate 23 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Pisces.jpg

"Pisces", plate 27 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Aquarius, Piscis Australis & Ballon Aerostatique.jpg

"Aquarius, Piscis Australis & en:Ballon Aerostatique", plate 26 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Monoceros, Canis Minor, and Atelier Typographique.jpg
Monoceros, Canis Minor, and Atelier Typographique , plate 31 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart showing the constellations of Monoceros, Canis Minor and the obsolete constellation Atelier Typographique (Officina Typographica). 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Capricornus.jpg

"Capricornus", plate 25 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Perseus.jpg

Perseus and Caput Medusæ, plate 6 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart showing Perseus holding bloody sword and the severed head of Medusa forming the constellation. 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Noctua, Corvus, Crater, Sextans Uraniæ, Hydra, Felis, Lupus, Centaurus, Antlia Pneumatica, Argo Navis, and Pyxis Nautica.jpg

"Noctua, Corvus, Crater, Sextans Uraniæ, Hydra, Felis, Lupus, Centaurus, Antlia Pneumatica, Argo Navis, and Pyxis Nautica", plate 32 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Gemini.jpg

"Gemini", plate 18 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Virgo.jpg

"Virgo", plate 21 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Lynx and Telescopium Herschilii.jpg

"Lynx and Telescopium Herschilii", plate 8 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Cassiopeia (image right side up).jpg

"Cassiopeia", plate 3 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart showing Perseus holding bloody sword and the severed head of Medusa forming the constellation. 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Auriga.jpg
Auriga, plate 7 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Bootes, Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices, and Quadrans Muralis.jpg

"Bootes, Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices, and Quadrans Muralis", plate 10 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Canis Major, Lepus, Columba Noachi & Cela Sculptoris.jpg

"Canis Major, Lepus, Columba Noachi & Cela Sculptoris", plate 30 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Lacerta, Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula and Anser.jpg

"Lacerta, Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula and Anser", plate 14 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart, 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.

"Vulpecula and Anser" is basically the full name of the constellation "Vulpecula", now standardised to its shortened form.
Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Gloria Frederici, Andromeda, and Triangula.jpg

Gloria Frederici, Andromeda, and Triangula, plate 5 in Urania's Mirror, a set of celestial cards accompanied by A familiar treatise on astronomy ... by Jehoshaphat Aspin. London. Astronomical chart showing the constellations of Andromeda, Triangula - a variant of Triangulum using stars too small to feature in this star chart to make a second triangle - and the obsolete constellation Gloria Frederici. 1 print on layered paper board : etching, hand-colored.