Archimedes crater AS15-M-1542

6000 x 8212 Pixel (10190716 Bytes)
This is a view from the Apollo 15 looking northward. The large, flooded crater at center is Archimedes. To the south of the crater is the rugged terrain of the Montes Archimedes. The round crater near the left edge is Bancroft. Just visible to the upper right is part of Aristillus crater. The small range at top center is Montes Spitzbergen. The nearly flat plains along the left side are part of Mare Imbrium, while those to the east of Montes Spitzbergen are named Sinus Lunicus. This image was taken during the Apollo 15 mapping metric sequence, revolution 35. The original selenographic coordinates of the frame were 28.5° N, 3.5° W. The picture was produced by rotating the image 90° counter-clockwise so that north is toward the top edge, reducing it in size by 2/3, then cropping the blurred instrument covering the right edge.
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