Chronic Ulcerative Colitis 1

Photograph by Ed Uthman, MD.
550 x 354 Pixel (49353 Bytes)

Chronic Ulcerative Colitis

These photos are from a total colectomy done for clinically severe, intractable chronic ulcerative colitis (CUC). The photo above shows a veritable shag carpet of inflammatory pseudopolyps. Yes, this does look an awful lot like a case of familial adenomatous polyposis, but microscopically there was no adenomatous or otherwise dysplastic change anywhere in the whole colon.

These photos were taken with a Minolta X-370 and a Rokkor 100mm bellows lens, on Kodak Elite daylight film, ISO 100, with a blue filter to compensate for tungsten illumination. The tissue was formalin-fixed, but the nice red coloration of the inflamed tissue was recovered by soaking the specimen overnight in 70% alcohol before shooting.
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