Echium vulgare plant2 (13919549822)

Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia
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Introduced, cool-season, biennial herb, usually growing from 90-120 cm tall. Stems are unbranched and quite hairy. Leaves form a rosette with long, oblanceolate leaves when young. Stem leaves have cuneate bases. Leaves are hairy and often have raised pimply bumps; the mid-vein is prominent, but secondary veins are not obvious. Flowerheads are scirpoid cymes (backward curled caterpillars in shape). Flowers are blue with 5 stamens, 4 of which protrude from the tubular flower. Flowering is from spring to early summer. A common tablelands weed; generally found above 600m altitude, but more common above 800m. Most commonly found in pastures, roadsides and disturbed areas on many soil types. It is primarily spread by animals and water. Less obvious on properties grazing sheep, which seem to graze it more readily than cattle or horses. Can be toxic to livestock, particularly horses. As it is a biennial plant, it is more difficult to control than Paterson’s Curse, to which it is closely related. Control requires an integrated weed management program that may include chemicals, grazing and biological agents. Strong, competitive pastures providing good ground cover is most effective for control.
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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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