Location of Isauria-Asia Minor Map, Classical Atlas, 1886, Keith Johnston

637 x 340 Pixel (114487 Bytes)
Asia Minor.
  • Including Pontus, Cappadocia, Cilicia, Pisidia, Lycia, Caria, Lydia, Mysia, Bithynia, Paphlagonia, Phrygia, and Crete.

  • "These color maps are 11" x 13.5" when printed at 300dpi. They were copied from an original 1886 Ginn & Company Classical Atlas designed by mapmaker Keith Johnston. These maps are completely Public Domain and can be used absolutely without restriction or even sold commercially without my permission. (There is slight distortion caused by the age of the original and merging the scans (two scans per map)" Information from http://www.snible.org/greek/
Public domain

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