Slovanske knezevine v Vzhodnih Alpah

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The map of hypothecal principalities in the Eastern Alps is based especially on the similar map Slovanske kneževine v vzhodnih Alpah okrog 800, page 522 (Pleterski ,Andrej (1996). Mitska stvarnost knežjih kamnov. From: Zgodovinski časopis. Letnik 50/4, pages 481-534), but with some reservations for the northeren demarcation of hypothetical principalities. The north-eastern borders of hypotetical Liburnia should be found somewhere east from Ingering (Ad Undrimas) and hypothetical eastern principality could be connected with the ethnonym of Croats- compare the borders of that principality with the eastern settlements containing croat ethnonym, which are shown on the map Zemljevid »Hrvaška« krajevna imena, page 186 ( Grafenauer, Bogo (1996). Karantanija: Izbrane razprave in članki. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica.) For location of Ad Undrimas could be found on the map Zaris salzburških misijonov med Slovenci v Karantaniji in Panoniji (Habijan, Vlado (1997). Mejniki slovenske zgodovine. Ljubljana, Društvo 2000. Page 37.)The hypothesis of slovenian historian Pleterski is seen as highly questionable by slovenian historians Štih Peter and Grdina Igor. The core problem is claimed to be the wrong reading of medieval text Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantanorum, where the settlement or landscape of Liburnia is seen as the location not lying in Carantania. According to Štih the correct reading shows that Liburnia and Ad Undrimas were parts of principality of Carantania (Štih, Peter (1997): O vojvodskem stolu in Liburniji ter o metodi in znanstveni korektnosti neke razprave. Page 114-115. From: Zgodovinski časopis. Letnik 51/1, pages 110-120).
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