Triple Entente

NieznanyUnknown author
Poster from 1914
1160 x 1584 Pixel (2192159 Bytes)
Russian 1914 poster. The upper inscription reads "concord". Shown are the female personifications of France, Russia, and Britain, the "Triple Entente" allies in the first World War. In center, Russia holds aloft an Orthodox Cross (symbol of faith), Britannia on the right with an anchor (referring to Britain's navy, but also a traditional symbol of hope), and Marianne on the left with a heart (symbol of charity/love, probably with reference to the recently-completed Sacré-Cœur Basilica) -- "faith, hope, and charity" being the three virtues of the famous Biblical passage I Corinthians 13:13. In the background is a battle scene, with men fighting with guns and swords, some on horseback. Above them is an exploding shell, an early aeroplane, and an airship.
Public domain
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Ta praca jest w domenie publicznej w Rosji zgodnie z artykułem 1256 Kodeksu Cywilnego Federacji Rosyjskiej.

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