Viola banksii flower12 - Flickr - Macleay Grass Man

Harry Rose from Dungog, Australia
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Native, warm-season, perennial, low-growing, mat-forming herb. Leaves form rosettes where the stolons root at the nodes. Leaves are broad kidney-shaped (forming a deep slit at the base), bluntly toothed and 30-45 mm wide. Flowers are violet towards the centre, grading to white at the margins. Flowering is from spring to autumn. Found in moist (often shady) places, such as swamps, woodlands and forests in near coastal situations. Native biodiversity. This form of native violet is commonly cultivated, but has only recently been recognised as a separate species to Ivy-leaved Violet (Viola hederacea). Of little importance to livestock grazing as it is very low growing. Tolerant of disturbance and light to moderate stocking rates.
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Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

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