Witold Rolla-Piekarski - Zarzavat regal, Furnica, 4 dec 1908

Furnica, 221/1908 (available through the Bucharest City Library DacoRomanica archive)
3230 x 4062 Pixel (2278108 Bytes)
Zarzavat regal ("The Royal Vegetable Garden"), political cartoon in the Romanian magazine Furnica. A joke about Carol I, King of Romania, who made ample use of his royal prerogative to appoint ministers and topple cabinets. Carol is pictured here with an apron, a rake and a watering can, addressing a tailcoat-wearing Ioan Kalinderu (his real-life confidant and estate administrator). Speaking in his (supposedly thick) German accent, Carol tells his servant: Tomn Kalinderu, înveleşte bine la ei şi bagi di seamă ca opoziţia să nu rascoleşti gunoi că îngheaţă zarzavat şi pe urmă trebue să schimbi la el. Iarna foarte scump asta zarzavat politic! ("Mr. Kalideru, tuck zem tight up und make tschure zat ze opposition not go trough ze garbage zo zat ze fegetables vreeze over and zen you must be vinding niew ones. In vinter zese fegetables tschure are expenseef!")
Pictured at their feet, in the guise of vegetables, are several of the leading National Liberal Party politicians of 1908, recognizable by their features and the humorous captions on their placards. Dimitrie Sturdza, the Prime Minister, is Digitalis magneticus (from his alias, Omul cu degetul magnetic, "Man with magnetic finger"), the beet-headed, one-eyed, figure at the bottom right. Ion I. C. Brătianu, the Internal Affairs Minister, is Dovlecel de Florica ("Florica Courgette" - after his estate in Argeş County). Vasile Morţun of Public Works is Ardeiŭ roşu – Sotir ("Red Pepper – Sotir", in reference to Morţun's former leadership of the socialist club Sotir). Finance Minister Emil Costinescu is Cuişoare ("Cloves", but more literally "Little Nails"). Toma Stelian of the Justice Ministry is Toma(ta) Juridica, i.e. "Judicial Toma(to)". Alexandru Averescu, the Minister of War, is Patlagica belicosa ("Bellicose Yellow Pear Tomato", but also "Bellicose Schnoz"). Anton Carp of Agriculture is Carpanosus somniferus. Alexandru Djuvara of Industry and Commerce is a radish, Radix Gardorita (?).
Public domain

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